“Turning Challenges into Triumphs, Case by Case.”

The top sports attorneys at Legalis Vigilantis, a team that provides complete legal services to the fantasy gaming and sports sectors of the economy. Our skilled group of attorneys specializing in gaming and sports law offers a broad range of services, such as regulatory compliance, contract design and negotiation, dispute resolution, and intellectual property issues.

  • Focus on Gaming and Sports Sectors:
    • Concentration on gaming and sports sectors, staying updated on recent legal advancements to offer tailored legal solutions.
  • Individualized Attention and Services:
    • Dedicated attorneys providing individualized attention and top-notch legal services.
  • Sports Dispute Resolution Services:
    • Advisory on sponsorship and endorsement agreements.
    • Handling athlete contracts, sponsorship, broadcasting, and event agreements.
    • Risk management for sports organizations.
    • Employment law matters for athletes and teams.
    • Merchandising and licensing agreements.
    • Advising on anti-corruption laws and regulations in sports.
    • Due diligence for investments in sports and gaming.
    • Data protection and privacy law for sports organizations.
    • Regulations for online gaming and fantasy sports.
    • Distribution and production agreements.
  • Comprehensive Sports Legal Practice:
    • Extensive experience in player representation, doping concerns, and sports conflicts.
    • Provides services like contract drafting, negotiation, sponsorship advice, and team and athlete management support.
  • Litigation Support:
    • Handles sports-related litigation problems, including contract disputes, disciplinary measures, and anti-doping infractions.
  • Market Expertise:
    • Deep understanding of the Indian market and business procedures, offering unparalleled service.
  • Policy Participation:
    • Actively participates in policy decision-making processes with the government and relevant parties in the sports sector.
  • Incorporation of Sports Law:
    • Incorporated sports law into the suite of legal services to address the needs of India’s vibrant and diverse sports sector.

Our Vision

Equitable legal access, unwavering advocacy.

Championing fairness, empowering change, and upholding rights for all. Join us in advocating for a just society.

– Legalis Vigilantis

Your Path to Legal Clarity

We understand that navigating the legal system can be complex. That’s why we’ve streamlined a process that prioritizes transparency, understanding, and efficiency. Here’s how our journey together unfolds.


Initial Consultation

Begin with a one-on-one discussion. Share your concerns, and let our experts provide a preliminary assessment of your situation.


Case Evaluation

We analyze the specifics of your case, researching all angles to provide a comprehensive strategy tailored to your needs.


Strategy Development

Armed with insights from the evaluation, we craft a tailored strategy, ensuring you’re positioned for the best possible outcome.


Implementation & Action

From filing necessary paperwork to representing in court, our team takes decisive action based on the established game plan.


Resolution & Closure

We strive for resolutions that align with your best interests, concluding your case with the justice and clarity you deserve.