“Client-Centered. Results-Driven. Every Case, Every Time.”

The specialized environmental law practice of Legalis Vigilantis focuses on providing advice on a range of regulatory matters pertaining to India’s environmental laws, specifically relating to electronic waste management, hazardous waste management, plastic waste management, etc., to its domestic and international clients in the technology and consumer durable space.

  • Environmental Compliance Assistance:
    • The Firm assists clients in complying with environmental protection laws, including producer “EPR” obligations, through tailored counseling and support.
  • Regulatory Engagement and Liabilities:
    • Provides guidance on engaging effectively with regulatory agencies and environmental bodies.
    • Identifies potential liabilities and assists in addressing show cause notices and compliance filings.
  • National Green Tribunal Representation:
    • Experienced professionals in the team represent clients before the National Green Tribunal and its benches.
  • Legal Representation Across Courts:
    • Represents businesses and individuals in various courts, including the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • Advisory on Environmental Compliance:
    • Offers advice to clients on adherence to Indian environmental regulations.
    • Assists in ensuring that transactions and real estate projects comply with Indian environmental laws.
  • Environmental Litigation Representation:
    • Represents clients in environmental litigation matters before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, National Green Tribunal, High Courts, and Appellate Authorities.
  • Multinational Company Advisory:
    • Advises multinational companies on regulatory issues related to the environment in India.
  • Defense in Writ Petitions (Public Interest Litigations):
    • Currently defending the Hon’ble High Court and its constituent organizations in Writ Petitions related to unauthorized constructions and their environmental impact.
  • Groundwater Consumption and Waste Management Advice:
    • Provides advice, including groundwater consumption and waste management guidance, particularly for real estate businesses.
  • Environmental Challenges Counseling:
    • Offers advice on emission reduction and addresses environmental challenges in the energy, real estate, and infrastructure sectors.

Our Vision

Equitable legal access, unwavering advocacy.

Championing fairness, empowering change, and upholding rights for all. Join us in advocating for a just society.

– Legalis Vigilantis

Your Path to Legal Clarity

We understand that navigating the legal system can be complex. That’s why we’ve streamlined a process that prioritizes transparency, understanding, and efficiency. Here’s how our journey together unfolds.


Initial Consultation

Begin with a one-on-one discussion. Share your concerns, and let our experts provide a preliminary assessment of your situation.


Case Evaluation

We analyze the specifics of your case, researching all angles to provide a comprehensive strategy tailored to your needs.


Strategy Development

Armed with insights from the evaluation, we craft a tailored strategy, ensuring you’re positioned for the best possible outcome.


Implementation & Action

From filing necessary paperwork to representing in court, our team takes decisive action based on the established game plan.


Resolution & Closure

We strive for resolutions that align with your best interests, concluding your case with the justice and clarity you deserve.